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CAIR WIR Spotlight - Dr. Ethel Rivas Zuleta
CAIR WIR Spotlight - Dr. Rebecca Spouge
CAIR WIR Spotlight - Dr. Elizabeth Dave
CAIR WIR Spotlight - Dr. Aida Ahrari
CAIR WIR Spotlight - Dr. Fiona Anyumba
CAIR WIR Spotlight - Dr. Alda Tam
Call for CAIR Award 2024 Nominations
Combined Interventional/Body Radiologist – Hamilton General Site, ON
The work intensity of IR can seem intimidating but there are so many ways to make an IR practice work for you, leading to long lasting and rewarding career.
Dr. Machan is an early Canadian proponent of interventional radiology. A clinical practitioner at the Vancouver Hospital and an associate professor at the University of British Columbia, he continues to innovate while guiding others on their own paths to growth and success. His company created and licensed the paclitaxel coated stent, which has improved the lives of people with peripheral arterial disease.
I was rostered to be in Interventional Radiology suites on one day of that week. Completely oblivious of what it was, I went and attended. The first patient on the list was an IVC filter insertion. I had no idea what the procedure involved and thought it would take hours. I was introduced to the consultant and I saw him prepping for it. I was chatting with the nurses and in 5 minutes the operator turned around and said ‘DONE’.
I first entered medicine to be a cardiac surgeon. But when I assisted to a cardiac valve replacement and coronary bypass… I realized the surgery was interesting but way too long for my taste!
As a Professor of Radiology at the Université de Montréal, former Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and Director of the Diagnostic Radiology Program, Professor Dubois has consistently demonstrated exemplary leadership and expertise in the realms of interventional radiology, particularly in the diagnosis and treatment of vascular anomalies.
Seeing the range of procedures that IRs performed, the innovation involved in the day to day practice and industry side of things drew me even more to the career.
The Canadian Association for Interventional Radiology (CAIR) will be holding an in-person Annual General Meeting (AGM) for its voting members in good standing on May 23rd, 2024 at 2:50 pm at the Westin Calgary in Calgary, AB, during CAIR's Annual Scientific Meeting.
Diversity in the doctors in IR means more understanding in the diversity of our patients and providing an overall more inclusive place for our patients to come to for their health concerns. It matters greatly when there are cultural or language barriers to getting treatment, and having a specialty with many physicians from all walks of life can help alleviate some of those barriers.
As the future leaders in interventional radiology, this is your opportunity to showcase your knowledge, skills, and innovative approaches to the wider professional community. We invite you to submit your most intriguing and instructive cases for consideration and presentation.
The purpose of the CAIR Award is to recognize those who have made significant contributions and provided extraordinary service to the Canadian Interventional Radiology Association and/or the discipline of Interventional Radiology.