There’s a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys – if you’d like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you’d like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Dr. Melissa Skanes graduated Pharmacy school, Medical school and subsequently a radiology residency at Memorial University of Newfoundland. In 2012 – 2013, she completed a Vascular & Interventional Radiology fellowship at UHN in Toronto. After this, she moved back home to Newfoundland to begin a staff position as a Vascular & Interventional Radiologist. She is currently the Clinical Chief of Interventional Radiology for the Eastern Health region, as well as an executive member of the Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Radiologists. Her scope of practice is predominantly interventional oncology, hepatobiliary, urology, and dialysis interventions. Currently, she is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology with Memorial University, rotation head for Interventional Radiology in residency, and a member of the Residency Training Committee at Memorial. Dr. Skanes is also heavily involved with the state of the art simulation lab at Memorial University, with a predominant focus of teaching medical students and Radiology residents image guided procedures.

What brought you to interventional radiology?

Our Radiology residency has the unique advantage of no fellows. Therefore, we obtain very early hands-on training for all procedures. I really enjoyed the procedural work during my residency.

What is one thing that is exciting about the future of IR?

Over the last 10-15 years, the number of new and innovative procedures in IR has grown exponentially. This will continue for quite some time.

What is one remarkable moment/achievement in your career?

Being appointed Interventional Radiology Chief for the Eastern Health region.

Any hobbies, what do enjoy doing outside of work?

Spending time with my family, being active and enjoying the incredible great outdoors of NL!

What is one interesting thing you want to share with us about you? 

I played 5 years of varsity basketball for the Memorial SeaHawks during undergrad.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Chaque femme en RI a son histoire. En ce mois de septembre, mois des Femmes en médecine (Women in Medicine), nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus sur leur parcours inspirant. Si vous aimeriez participer à une entrevue Femmes en RI ou nous suggérer le nom d’une collègue à interviewer, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).

Document for Medtech Company Representative and Health Care Facilities

Our hospital, one of NYC's public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity.

There’s a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys – if you’d like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you’d like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Dr. Tara Graham is the current Chief of Vascular and Interventional Radiology at Trillium Health Partners and Lecturer at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine. She completed her Interventional Radiology training at University Health Network in Toronto in 2013 and has served on the CAIR board since 2014. Her practice includes Interventional Oncology, peripheral vascular disease and aortic interventions. She is the current Vice President of CAIR and Scientific Director of the CAIR annual meeting.

What brought you to interventional radiology?

I was initially drawn to the procedural element of the practice having previously considered a career in surgery and starting my training in anesthesiology. Ultimately IR lured me away from the OR.  The breadth of disease that IRs treat as well as the varying acuity of the cases makes it an exciting and challenging specialty. We are often asked to solve complex, high-stake problems that require innovation and sound clinical and technical decision making. It keeps life interesting!

What is one thing that is exciting about the future of IR?

I think that one of the most exciting aspects of IR is our evolving role in multidisciplinary care. In my relatively short time in practice, I have seen IRs truly become a core member of the clinical care team. Our perspective and expertise has become an essential part of patient care and is invaluable to the community we serve.

What is one remarkable moment/achievement in your career?

Program building has been one of the most rewarding parts of my career. Working with my colleagues to develop and grow the Interventional Oncology program at THP is a highlight. I have also worked closely with our vascular surgeons to continue to grow the advanced aortic practice at our institution. It takes a lot of commitment, patience and collaboration to program build, but the success of the programs is very satisfying.

Any hobbies, what do enjoy doing outside of work?

I try and cycle when I can. Catch me on Zwift if you can!

What is one interesting thing you want to share with us about you? 

When I’m not at the hospital, I’m home with my son Sebastian. I’ve already started him on the IR conference circuit and you may spot him at upcoming meetings as possibly the youngest attendee!

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Chaque femme en RI a son histoire. En ce mois de septembre, mois des Femmes en médecine (Women in Medicine), nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus sur leur parcours inspirant. Si vous aimeriez participer à une entrevue Femmes en RI ou nous suggérer le nom d’une collègue à interviewer, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).

Document for Medtech Company Representative and Health Care Facilities

Our hospital, one of NYC's public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity.

There’s a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys – if you’d like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you’d like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Dr. Véronique Caty finished her radiology residency at Université de Montréal in 2010. She completed the first year of fellowship at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montréal, (CHUM). She then continued her post graduate training in the Bay Area, California, at El Camino Hospital. She has been working at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont in Montreal (CIUSSS de l’est) since 2012. Her clinical interests include: dialysis access, venous insufficiency, percutaneous tumor ablation, fibromas and prostate embolization. She is involved with resident and fellow training. She has been a part of CAIR board since 2018 and is actively committed to interventional radiology advocacy to peers and patients.

What brought you to interventional radiology?

When I was studying medicine, I was not sure which field I wanted to go in. My interests were varied. I did a rotation in interventional radiology just before my residency match and I knew this is what I wanted to do. Hands on specialty at the bleeding edge of technology and minimally invasive procedures are the way to the future. I wanted to be a part of it.

What is one remarkable moment/achievement in your career?

I was honored to be asked to be a CAIR board member. A lot of IR professionals I look up to were previously part of the board or still are. I am so glad I can participate to promote interventional radiology across Canada.

What is one thing that is exciting about the future of IR?

Everything! Many procedures are shifting towards minimally invasive interventions. Especially with cancer treatments, the IR progress made in the last 10-15 years has been amazing. Interventionists are also more involved in the clinical care of patients which is so rewarding. We just need to make the public know these possibilities exist.

Any hobbies, what do enjoy doing outside of work?

I love to do sports with my family. We did a lot of cycling this summer. And as soon as snow will come, I will hit the slopes for downhill skiing. I also love to read books and let’s admit it, relax with a good movie or television series. I am trying to learn piano, I wish I stuck to lessons when I was younger – it is a lot of work to learn to play an instrument later in life.


My oldest daughter is 7 years old and talks a lot these days about what she wants to do when she is older. She told me: ‘I do not know what career I will choose, but I know I do not want to work during weekends like you’ to which I responded: ‘I wish for you to choose a path in which you will not mind putting in hours because it will mean you are in the right place.’ That is what IR is for me.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Chaque femme en RI a son histoire. En ce mois de septembre, mois des Femmes en médecine (Women in Medicine), nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus sur leur parcours inspirant. Si vous aimeriez participer à une entrevue Femmes en RI ou nous suggérer le nom d’une collègue à interviewer, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).

Document for Medtech Company Representative and Health Care Facilities

Our hospital, one of NYC's public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity.

There’s a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys – if you’d like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you’d like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Dr. Marie-France Giroux studied medicine at the Université de Sherbrooke from 1991 to 1995. She then undertook her residency in diagnostic radiology at the Université de Montréal in 1995 and finished in 2000, followed by a fellowship in interventional and vascular radiology in 2001 at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. She completed her medical training in Bordeaux, France, where she underwent a specialized Doppler training program in 2001.

Dr. Giroux has been practising since 2001 at the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Montréal (CHUM), and was appointed associate professor in 2011. She developed a clinical mentoring program (fellowship) in interventional radiology at the CHUM.

From 2003 to 2013, Dr. Giroux was an active member of the Canadian Association for Interventional Radiology (CAIR) Board of Directors. Moreover, from 2007 to 2009, she was CAIR’s first woman president of the board. Through her efforts and those of her fellow directors, interventional radiology was recognized as a subspeciality in Canada in 2015.

What brought you to interventional radiology?

It is funny how people end up where they are; when I entered medical school, I wanted to become an orthopedic surgeon or a neurosurgeon. When I was in medical school, I met an orthopedic surgeon who hated his job and told me never to do orthopedic surgery, and I did not like the outcomes of neurosurgery patients. I stumbled upon a radiologist and he was so passionate about his work that I decided it was what I wanted to do. Then, when I was an R2, interventional radiologists did all the drainages and biopsies. One day, when Dr. Oliva was on service, he walked  me through a liver biopsy and I instantly fell in love with the field. I loved the brain part and technical parts of IR.

What is one thing that is exciting about the future of IR?

The field of Interventional Radiology is an ever-expanding field, we are constantly discovering new ways to solve problems. Oncology for example was a restricted field in IR that only blossomed and made a staggering progress in the past15 years.

What are some of the challenges women working in IR are facing?

The most challenging part of being a woman pursuing a career in IR is lack of time. There is a certain difficulty in balancing personal life with career. This is why it is so important to have role models that can be looked up to and get inspired by.

When I was a fellow, I was doing a procedure with an attending who was male. We suddenly heard the woman breathe heavily, the attendings immediately thought about allergic reaction and asked the technologist to five the patient a dose of Benadryl.  I decided to go and see the patient beforehand, and she told me she was very anxious. After talking to her and comforting her, she calmed down, and of course, did not need the Benadryl. My attendings later told me: “We really need a woman in our team! Having a different perspective is sure to improve the service we give to our patients.”

Any hobbies, what do enjoy doing outside of work?

We are a family of downhill skiers, and we will go almost every week-end during the cold season. We also enjoy wind surfing and mountain biking. It is always great to spend energy outside of work and spend time with family. I also enjoy playing the piano.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Chaque femme en RI a son histoire. En ce mois de septembre, mois des Femmes en médecine (Women in Medicine), nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus sur leur parcours inspirant. Si vous aimeriez participer à une entrevue Femmes en RI ou nous suggérer le nom d’une collègue à interviewer, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).

Document for Medtech Company Representative and Health Care Facilities

Our hospital, one of NYC's public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity.

Residents, Fellows, And Students Virtual Angio Club

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

Who can attend: everyone interested in Interventional Radiology (medical students, residents, fellows, faculty members, etc.)

This event is offered at no cost for all CAIR members!

Non-members: $59/year*** 

Limited space available.

*please note the event is offered in English only
**French and English presentations will be considered
***complimentary access/no charge for the October meeting

Who can submit a case : residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program across Canada and who are members in good standing with CAIR.

Case criteria: 

  • Presentation must be targeted to an audience with little to moderate knowledge of IR
  • Educational value of presentation will be favored over complexity/rarity of the case
  • The recommended file type to be used for presentations is PowerPoint or Portable Document Format (PDF)

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Chaque femme en RI a son histoire. En ce mois de septembre, mois des Femmes en médecine (Women in Medicine), nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus sur leur parcours inspirant. Si vous aimeriez participer à une entrevue Femmes en RI ou nous suggérer le nom d’une collègue à interviewer, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).

Document for Medtech Company Representative and Health Care Facilities

Our hospital, one of NYC's public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity.

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

Who can attend: everyone interested in Interventional Radiology (medical students, residents, fellows, faculty members, etc.)

*please note the event is offered in English only
**French and English presentations will be considered


This event is offered at NO COST for CAIR members. Please note that you need to log into your account first and select “Register for Events” link  (left side menu) in the member dashboard to get the member rate. A separate registration to the Zoom platform will follow and you will receive an email with the meeting registration details.

CAIR NON-MEMBERS: $59.00+tax

This fee includes all sessions for 2020. (complimentary access/no charge for the October meeting)

To register, add item to cart and then proceed to check out. Follow instructions to fill out personal and payment information. A confirmation email will be sent once the payment is processed. A separate registration to the Zoom platform will follow and you will receive an email with the meeting registration details.


CAIR membership has many benefits, to join – apply here.

$59.00Add to cart

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Chaque femme en RI a son histoire. En ce mois de septembre, mois des Femmes en médecine (Women in Medicine), nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus sur leur parcours inspirant. Si vous aimeriez participer à une entrevue Femmes en RI ou nous suggérer le nom d’une collègue à interviewer, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).

Document for Medtech Company Representative and Health Care Facilities

Our hospital, one of NYC's public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

More than 600,000 patients each year require life-saving hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease. And such care is a costly proposition, with $34 billion spent each year in fee-for-service Medicare, largely for creating and maintaining conduits, noted experts with the University of Colorado.

Fewer than 50% of all access conduits for dialysis remain viable for longer than three years and clinical guidelines recommend regular surveillance to guard for signs of impending failure. Interventions such as angiography, angioplasty stent placement and thrombolysis are typically performed by radiologists, surgeons or nephrologists. But it appears that interventional imaging physicians’ work in this realm costs tens of thousands less, underlining the subspecialty’s value proposition, and an opportunity to save significantly in the Medicare program, experts advised.

On average, the cost per patency year of dialysis in Medicare landed at roughly $174,000 for surgeons compared to $89,000 for nephrologists and $71,000 for radiologists.

To read more, access the article here, courtesy of the Radiology Business.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Chaque femme en RI a son histoire. En ce mois de septembre, mois des Femmes en médecine (Women in Medicine), nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus sur leur parcours inspirant. Si vous aimeriez participer à une entrevue Femmes en RI ou nous suggérer le nom d’une collègue à interviewer, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).

Document for Medtech Company Representative and Health Care Facilities

Our hospital, one of NYC's public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).


This event is offered at NO COST for CAIR members.  Please note that you need to log into your account first and select “Register for Events” link (left side menu) in the member dashboard to get the member rate. A separate registration to the Zoom platform will follow and you will receive an email with the meeting registration details.

CAIR NON-MEMBERS: $199.00 + tax

This fee includes all sessions for 2020.

To register, add item to cart and then proceed to check out. Follow instructions to fill out personal and payment information. A confirmation email will be sent once the payment is processed. A separate registration to the Zoom platform will follow and you will receive an email with the meeting registration details.


There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Chaque femme en RI a son histoire. En ce mois de septembre, mois des Femmes en médecine (Women in Medicine), nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus sur leur parcours inspirant. Si vous aimeriez participer à une entrevue Femmes en RI ou nous suggérer le nom d’une collègue à interviewer, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).

Document for Medtech Company Representative and Health Care Facilities

Our hospital, one of NYC's public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and surgical facilities nationwide paused elective surgical procedures and other non-emergent and non-essential services, limiting physical access to health care facilities for non-essential health care personnel, patient visitors, and medical technology representatives.

Medtech Canada (the association representing the medical technology industry in Canada) developed the following Re-entry Guidance document (link below), which provides clinically based recommendations to support health care organizations and medical technology representatives when resuming elective procedures.

The principles and considerations contained in the document are intended to guide health care facilities, health care personnel and medical technology representatives as they adopt access policies that support safe re-entry of medical technology representatives into the health care facility. These considerations are not a substitute for guidance or requirements from provincial or federal government authorities.

Medtech Canada will be disseminating the document to its relevant stakeholders through the association’s various committees, and they sought endorsements from medical groups to support the document. 

CAIR is pleased to support this guidance document, as it will assist in ensuring that industry representatives can continue to support clinicians in a safe and responsive way.

Re-entry Guidance for Health Care Facilities and Medical Technology Representatives

If you have any questions about the Re-entry Guidance, please contact Medtech Canada’s President and CEO, Brian Lewis at


There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Chaque femme en RI a son histoire. En ce mois de septembre, mois des Femmes en médecine (Women in Medicine), nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus sur leur parcours inspirant. Si vous aimeriez participer à une entrevue Femmes en RI ou nous suggérer le nom d’une collègue à interviewer, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).

Document for Medtech Company Representative and Health Care Facilities

Our hospital, one of NYC's public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity.

It was a Saturday in mid March. I sat down in the back of the IR control room, and I began dictating chest radiographs from the ER. The first one demonstrated subtle hazy peripheral opacities. It was not garden variety bacterial pneumonia. I called the ER attending, “I am concerned this is COVID-19.” The next chest radiograph showed peripheral, ill-defined, bilateral airspace opacities. I called the ER

 attending again. One after the other, I began to feel like a broken record with my dictations, and phone calls. On CTs of the abdomen and pelvis performed to rule out nephrolithiasis, diverticulitis, etc… I was seeing bilateral, peripheral, ground glass opacities in patients who were otherwise asymptomatic from a respiratory perspective. I picked up the phone again: “No stone, no diverticulitis, but I’m worried they have COVID-19.”

Prior to this, we had seen probably fewer than five suspicious cases at my hospital. On Monday, I followed up the COVID testing for those patients. They were all positive. The floodgates had opened, and COVID-19 came charging through.

Our hospital, one of NYC’s public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity. US Army doctors, nurses, and physician assistants answered the call of duty, and helped support us through this crisis by helping staff some of the new ICUs. Elective surgeries were postponed. We postponed doing elective IR cases.

In March, prior to the surge, my partner and I would go to the ICU and place central venous catheters and arterial lines on patients to help ease the burden on the ICU staff. With a program of four radiology residents per year, one resident was assigned to night float, and four covered various rotations simultaneously.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

Chaque femme en RI a son histoire. En ce mois de septembre, mois des Femmes en médecine (Women in Medicine), nous vous proposons d’en apprendre un peu plus sur leur parcours inspirant. Si vous aimeriez participer à une entrevue Femmes en RI ou nous suggérer le nom d’une collègue à interviewer, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

There's a story behind every woman working in IR. This September, as part of the Women in Medicine month, we are happy to offer you an insight into their inspiring journeys - if you'd like to participate in an Women in IR interview or you'd like to recommend someone to be interviewed, please contact us for more information.

A draft presentation of no more than 8-10minutes should be submitted by October 7, 2020 via email at

Hosted* via Zoom, this inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations** and discussions from residents and fellows enrolled in a radiology program in Canada.

A common service for dialysis patients costs about $100,000 less when delivered by an interventional radiologist rather than a surgeon, according to study published Tuesday.

Hosted by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, this second meeting will take place on September 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST and include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case).

Document for Medtech Company Representative and Health Care Facilities

Our hospital, one of NYC's public hospitals and a level 1 trauma centre, was transformed. Normally empty stretchers lining the halls and back corridors of the ER soon overflowed with COVID-19 patients. The public health system quickly nearly tripled its existing ICU capacity.