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CAIR FRI En Vedette - Dre. Ethel Rivas Zuleta
CAIR FRI En Vedette - Dre. Rebecca Spouge
CAIR FRI En Vedette - Dre. Elizabeth Dave
CAIR FRI En Vedette - Dre. Aida Ahrari
CAIR FRI En Vedette - Dre. Fiona Anyumba
CAIR FRI En Vedette - Dre. Alda Tam
Appel de Candidatures au Prix CAIR 2024
Combined Interventional/Body Radiologist – Hamilton General Site, ON
En tant que futurs leaders de la radiologie d’intervention, il s’agit pour vous d’une occasion de faire connaître votre savoir, vos compétences et vos approches novatrices à l’ensemble de la communauté professionnelle. Nous vous invitons à nous envoyer les cas les plus intrigants et instructifs que vous aimeriez présenter, s’ils sont retenus.
François discovered IR as a medical student at Laval University, while attending an information cocktail organized by the CAIR. After two elective rotations in vascular and non-vascular IR, he decided to do his residency in Radiology with the goal of pursuing a career in IR.
The Department of Medical Imaging, Division of Diagnostic Radiology, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, at Western University, St. Joseph’s Health Care and London Health Sciences Centre is seeking a Vascular and Interventional Radiologist for a full-time clinical academic appointment to Western University.
The Department of Medical Imaging, Division of Diagnostic Radiology, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, at Western University, London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Health Care is seeking a Vascular and Interventional Radiologist for a full-time clinical academic appointment to Western University. Rank (Assistant, Associate or Full Professor) and appointment status (limited term or continuing) will be determined by experience and qualifications at the time of appointment.
The Department of Radiology at Victoria, British Columbia seeks to recruit a full time Radiologist with Interventional Radiology sub-speciality.