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What is Moral Injury?

  1. A deep sense of transgression including feelings of shame, grief, meaninglessness, and remorse from having violated core moral beliefs.
  2. A lasting impact of repeated ethical dilemmas and moral conflicts when unable to act in the best interest of patients due to organizational or systemic constraints.
  3. Potential root cause of provider burnout.
  4. A sense of helplessness when one’s moral philosophy is at odds with the demands of the work environment.
  5. All of the above.

Correct answer:  E.  All of the above.

Reference:  Woerner, AJ, Greenberg, CH, Chick JFB, et al.  Moral Injury Among Interventional Radiologists.  Academic Radiol 2024; 31(3):1122-1129.

What is Burnout?

  1. Cluster of symptoms that occur in response to chronic emotional career-related stressors resulting in emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment in relation to one’s professional activity.
  2. Medical condition.
  3. Personal weakness.
  4. Low engagement.
  5. Perceived lack of control.

Correct answer:  A.  Cluster of symptoms that occur in response to chronic emotional career-related stressors resulting in emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment in relation to one’s professional activity.

Reference:  Woerner, AJ, Greenberg, CH, Chick JFB, et al.  Moral Injury Among Interventional Radiologists.  Academic Radiol 2024; 31(3):1122-1129.

According to the survey, what is the greatest contribution to Moral Injury among Interventional Radiologists?

  1. Turf battles.
  2. Barriers to patient care.
  3. Reduced resources.
  4. Ineffective leadership.
  5. All of the above.

Correct answer:  E.  All of the above.

Reference:  Woerner, AJ, Greenberg, CH, Chick JFB, et al.  Moral Injury Among Interventional Radiologists.  Academic Radiol 2024; 31(3):1122-1129.

According to the Perceived Wellness Survey, what is the best strategy to reduce the impact of Moral Injury and to achieve Moral Repair?

  1. Adequate staffing
  2. Vacation/more time off
  3. Positive work environment
  4. Mentorship
  5. More autonomy

Correct answer:  B.  Vacation was the most reported factor.

Reference:  Roth MF, Chick JFB, McLoughlin, D, et al.  Wellness Among Interventional Radiologists:  Results From a Multidimensional Survey.  Academic Radiol 2024; 31(3):1130-1140.

Which of the 6 domains assessed in the Perceived Wellness Survey were reported to be significantly lower in Interventional Radiologists compared to the other domains?

  1. Emotional
  2. Intellectual
  3. Psychological
  4. Physical
  5. Social

Correct answer:  D.  Physical

Reference:  Roth MF, Chick JFB, McLoughlin, D, et al.  Wellness Among Interventional Radiologists:  Results From a Multidimensional Survey.  Academic Radiol 2024; 31(3):1130-1140.