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MRT&RN Day – Montreal 2022

Hotel Bonaventure Montreal 900 Rue De La Gauchetière O, Montreal

A day dedicated to MRTs and RNs to start the CAIR Annual Meeting, followed by training and lectures, that will incorporate many facets of Interventional radiology practice with utrasound, capnography, drug eluting, balooning, stenting, etc. Radial access and general topics on IR will also be discussed. We have recruited respected members from our Canadian IR community and illustrious guest speakers.

The MRT and RN portion of the program will be exploring various procedures, interventions and improvement of workflow efficiencies, from IR technologist and nurse prospective.

Residents and Fellows Day – Montreal 2022

Hotel Bonaventure Montreal 900 Rue De La Gauchetière O, Montreal

For the MRT &RN Day info, visit the #MRTRND22 page. For the Annual Scientific Meeting info, visit the #ASM22 page. Tiohtià:ke / Montreal is historically known as a meeting place […]