An impactful presentation can be the major force in launching successful ventures and helping to move projects, and even careers, forward. Join us for a webinar designed to help imaging […]
Brève présentation de CAIR et de la manière dont vous pouvez vous impliquer, en particulier si vous êtes intéressé par les relations internationales. Présentation des étudiants qui ont été sélectionnés […]
Stockholmsmässan, Stockholm, Sweden
ECIO is the world’s most comprehensive platform for IO education and knowledge exchange. The ECIO 2023 programme features over 150 lectures with highlights covering immuno-oncology, artificial intelligence, paediatrics, lung tumour […]
Organized by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar, the meeting include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case). We're excited to bring you access to exceptional educational and scientific programming that you can participate in any time, from anywhere. This is your 2023 CAIR learning destination.