By author
  • Dr. Moussa
  • Dr. Healy
  • Drs. Ruba Kiwan and Arash Jaberi
  • Dr. Thomas
  • Camilo Barragan Leal
  • Drs. A. Ahrari, O. Shearkhani, S. Mafeld, and A. Jaberi
  • Alanna Supersad
  • Dr. Aline D. Khatchikian and Dr. Ali Bessissow
  • Dr. Nassar
  • Dr. Hira
  • Ke Chen, MD, Lynne Sénécale, MD, Véronique Caty, MD, Michel Dubé, MD, Alexandre Cengarle-Samak MD
  • Ali Helmi MD, Zain Badar MD FRCPC, Arash Jaberi MD MEd FRCPC
  • Dr. Adam Krajewski
  • Dr. H
  • Dr. Yusuf Alibrahim
  • Sébastien C. Robert
  • Mount Sinai Hospital
  • Navraj Dhaliwal
  • Dr. F. Heelan and Dr. R. Berry
  • Drs. Lotus Yang, Sacha Oomah, Christina Theoret, Gage Watson
  • Kathleen Nguyen
  • Sam Neufeld
  • Andrew Dalton
  • Mark Nassar
  • Bardia Moosavi
  • Tze Chan
  • Clément Marcelin
  • Samuel Xu
  • Simon Bradette
  • Nicolas Voizard
  • Tishan Maraj
  • Laurent Bilodeau
  • Jia Yi Tao
  • Mathieu Malenfant
  • Ahmed Bentridi
  • Elizabeth Tai
  • Matthew Lubanovic
  • Abdul Qazi
  • Amit Srivastava
  • Stephen Power
  • Pedro Lourenco
  • Colin Roscher
  • Shawn Bailey
  • Patrick Kennedy
  • Kris Peet
  • Arshdeep Sidhu
  • Rosemary Regan
  • Hussam Kaka
  • Dennis Parhar
  • Jamil Addas
  • Emmaduddin Qazi
  • Homman Hosseini-Nik
  • Xiaoyang Liu
  • Gill Harman
  • Daniel Walker
  • Juan Toro Guterez
  • Massimo Turulli
  • Emidio Tarulli
  • Stephanie Steski-Dyck
  • Douglas Choo
  • Stefan Forsi-Stella
  • Collin Roscher
  • Mathew Rochon
  • Jonathan Reaney
  • Ahn Ngo
  • Mahadavaswamy Siddaiah
  • Sebastian Mafeld
  • Hin-Boon LEW
  • Mickael Kostrzewa
  • Sean Kennedy
  • Hussein Jaffer
  • David Cornell
  • Mike Connolly
  • Hillary Coffey
  • Sanjay Bansal
  • Shawn Bailley
  • Tarig Aldan
  • Aman Wadhwani
  • Stephanie Steski
  • Aran Sritharan
  • Benham Shayegi
  • Michael Rivers-Bowerman
  • Abdul Aziz Qazi
  • Nasirzadeh Reza
  • Ruairi Meagher
  • Jason Martin
  • Coffey Niamh
  • Baydoun Hussein
  • Coffey Hilary
  • Bradette Simon
  • Brown Andrew
  • Alsheri Shaker
  • Boisvert Philippe
  • De Korompay Nevin Victor
  • Lavoie Lavigna
  • Regan Rosemary
  • wadhwani Aman
  • Asatryan Albert
  • Winters Sean
  • Vanovershelds Juliette
  • Thulasidasan Narayanan
  • Tarulli Emidio
  • St Jean Dumais Emmie
  • Shiau Gillian
  • Schmidt Michael
  • Qazi Abdul Aziz
  • Plewes Christopher
  • Parab Rohan
  • Mironov Oleg
  • Martinez Roje Nicolas
  • Jumaa Klaudia
  • Frosi Stella Steffan
  • Farrell Jonathan
  • Connolly Michael
  • Bessissow Ali
  • Bandali Murad
  • Tso David
  • Jaberi Arash
  • Hennessey Hooman
  • Woodley Cook Joel
  • Chausse Thomas
  • Thakor Avnesh
  • Sinclair Nicolette
  • Rochon Matthew
  • Racicot Nicolas
  • Poirier Rémi
  • Oomah Sacha
  • Noel Lamy Maxime
  • Ng Edmund
  • Modi Sachin
  • Kotha Vamshi
  • Gupta Yuri
  • Ferris Mollie
  • Felemban Basim
  • Demers Virginie
  • Chennur Vikash
  • Bernstein Ondina
  • Bécotte Pierre Luc
  • Bayat Muhammad
  • Alhardi Sultan
  • Alzahrani Yousof
  • Agarwal Vikas
  • Almarzooqi Mohamed
  • Raza Sibtain
  • Ho Kevin
  • Harmse Werner
  • Diederichs Brendan
  • Chung Jonathan
  • Blais Simon
  • Toor Sundeep
  • Peters Zachary
  • Zener Rebecca
  • Meagher Ruari
  • Hirji Zameer
  • Alturkistani Husain
  • Zhang Edwin
  • Kaitoukov Youri
  • Desrosiers
  • Cool Derek
  • Tse Donald
  • Mongeon Michael
  • Chung John
By date
  • May 20 2022
  • May 19 2022
  • May 18 2022
  • May 17 2022
  • May 16 2022
  • May 15 2022
  • May 14 2022
  • May 13 2022
  • May 12 2022
  • May 11 2022
  • May 10 2022
  • May 9 2022
  • May 8 2022
  • May 7 2022
  • May 6 2022
  • May 5 2022
  • May 4 2022
  • May 3 2022
  • May 2 2022
  • May 1 2022
  • September 5 2020
  • August 20 2020
  • July 5 2020
  • June 20 2020
  • May 20 2020
  • April 5 2020
  • March 20 2020
  • March 5 2020
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  • January 20 2020
  • January 5 2020
  • December 20 2019
  • December 5 2019
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  • September 5 2019
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  • June 1 2019
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  • April 1 2019
  • March 16 2019
  • March 1 2019
  • February 16 2019
  • February 1 2019
  • January 16 2019
  • January 1 2019
  • December 16 2018
  • December 1 2018
  • November 16 2018
  • November 1 2018
  • October 16 2018
  • October 2 2018
  • September 16 2018
  • September 1 2018
  • August 16 2018
  • August 1 2018
  • July 1 2018
  • June 17 2018
  • June 2 2018
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  • November 4 2014
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  • October 7 2014
  • September 16 2014
  • September 2 2014
  • August 19 2014
  • August 5 2014
By subject
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • Interventional Oncology - TACE/Y90
  • Musculoskeletal Interventions
  • Neuroradiologic Interventions
  • Tracheal Interventions
  • Gastointestinal Interventions
  • Visceral Artery Interventions
  • Embolization
  • Genitourinary Interventions
  • Biliary Interventions
  • Aortoiliac Interventions
  • Venous Interventions

Cases of the month

The CAIR presents, on a monthly basis, cases that interventional radiology fellows and residents presented at an event held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. These cases represent a remarkable learning opportunity for physicians of all levels of experience.


The Therapeutic Dilemma: Variceal Gastrointestinal Bleed and Portal Vein Thrombus
For members only
September 5 2019 -
A Strange Complication of Uterine Fibroid Embolization
For members only
August 28 2019 -
Direct sac puncture with glue embolization of thoracic aortic endoleak with hydrodissection of the paravertebral pleural space
For members only
July 16 2019 -
For members only
July 1 2019 -
A Case of Carotid-Cavity-Bronchial Communication Causing Hemoptysis
For members only
July 1 2019 -
Spontaneous dissection of both renal arteries and of the right intern carotid artery in fibromuscular dysplasia , an atypical cause of abdominal and neck pain.
For members only
June 16 2019 -
Pulmonary Artery Pseudoaneurysm: Amplatzer Embolization and Segmental Branch Stent Flow Diversion
For members only
June 16 2019 -
Successful recanalization and stenting of congenital inferior vena cava atresia.
For members only
June 1 2019 -
Inadvertent “ultrasound-guided” central venous catheter placement into the aorta via the right thyrocervical trunk.
For members only
June 1 2019 -
We don’t know sir, but we hope for a 50% chance of success
For members only
May 5 2019 -