By author
  • Dr. Moussa
  • Dr. Healy
  • Drs. Ruba Kiwan and Arash Jaberi
  • Dr. Thomas
  • Camilo Barragan Leal
  • Drs. A. Ahrari, O. Shearkhani, S. Mafeld, and A. Jaberi
  • Alanna Supersad
  • Dr. Aline D. Khatchikian and Dr. Ali Bessissow
  • Dr. Nassar
  • Dr. Hira
  • Ke Chen, MD, Lynne Sénécale, MD, Véronique Caty, MD, Michel Dubé, MD, Alexandre Cengarle-Samak MD
  • Ali Helmi MD, Zain Badar MD FRCPC, Arash Jaberi MD MEd FRCPC
  • Dr. Adam Krajewski
  • Dr. H
  • Dr. Yusuf Alibrahim
  • Sébastien C. Robert
  • Mount Sinai Hospital
  • Navraj Dhaliwal
  • Dr. F. Heelan and Dr. R. Berry
  • Drs. Lotus Yang, Sacha Oomah, Christina Theoret, Gage Watson
  • Kathleen Nguyen
  • Sam Neufeld
  • Andrew Dalton
  • Mark Nassar
  • Bardia Moosavi
  • Tze Chan
  • Clément Marcelin
  • Samuel Xu
  • Simon Bradette
  • Nicolas Voizard
  • Tishan Maraj
  • Laurent Bilodeau
  • Jia Yi Tao
  • Mathieu Malenfant
  • Ahmed Bentridi
  • Elizabeth Tai
  • Matthew Lubanovic
  • Abdul Qazi
  • Amit Srivastava
  • Stephen Power
  • Pedro Lourenco
  • Colin Roscher
  • Shawn Bailey
  • Patrick Kennedy
  • Kris Peet
  • Arshdeep Sidhu
  • Rosemary Regan
  • Hussam Kaka
  • Dennis Parhar
  • Jamil Addas
  • Emmaduddin Qazi
  • Homman Hosseini-Nik
  • Xiaoyang Liu
  • Gill Harman
  • Daniel Walker
  • Juan Toro Guterez
  • Massimo Turulli
  • Emidio Tarulli
  • Stephanie Steski-Dyck
  • Douglas Choo
  • Stefan Forsi-Stella
  • Collin Roscher
  • Mathew Rochon
  • Jonathan Reaney
  • Ahn Ngo
  • Mahadavaswamy Siddaiah
  • Sebastian Mafeld
  • Hin-Boon LEW
  • Mickael Kostrzewa
  • Sean Kennedy
  • Hussein Jaffer
  • David Cornell
  • Mike Connolly
  • Hillary Coffey
  • Sanjay Bansal
  • Shawn Bailley
  • Tarig Aldan
  • Aman Wadhwani
  • Stephanie Steski
  • Aran Sritharan
  • Benham Shayegi
  • Michael Rivers-Bowerman
  • Abdul Aziz Qazi
  • Nasirzadeh Reza
  • Ruairi Meagher
  • Jason Martin
  • Coffey Niamh
  • Baydoun Hussein
  • Coffey Hilary
  • Bradette Simon
  • Brown Andrew
  • Alsheri Shaker
  • Boisvert Philippe
  • De Korompay Nevin Victor
  • Lavoie Lavigna
  • Regan Rosemary
  • wadhwani Aman
  • Asatryan Albert
  • Winters Sean
  • Vanovershelds Juliette
  • Thulasidasan Narayanan
  • Tarulli Emidio
  • St Jean Dumais Emmie
  • Shiau Gillian
  • Schmidt Michael
  • Qazi Abdul Aziz
  • Plewes Christopher
  • Parab Rohan
  • Mironov Oleg
  • Martinez Roje Nicolas
  • Jumaa Klaudia
  • Frosi Stella Steffan
  • Farrell Jonathan
  • Connolly Michael
  • Bessissow Ali
  • Bandali Murad
  • Tso David
  • Jaberi Arash
  • Hennessey Hooman
  • Woodley Cook Joel
  • Chausse Thomas
  • Thakor Avnesh
  • Sinclair Nicolette
  • Rochon Matthew
  • Racicot Nicolas
  • Poirier Rémi
  • Oomah Sacha
  • Noel Lamy Maxime
  • Ng Edmund
  • Modi Sachin
  • Kotha Vamshi
  • Gupta Yuri
  • Ferris Mollie
  • Felemban Basim
  • Demers Virginie
  • Chennur Vikash
  • Bernstein Ondina
  • Bécotte Pierre Luc
  • Bayat Muhammad
  • Alhardi Sultan
  • Alzahrani Yousof
  • Agarwal Vikas
  • Almarzooqi Mohamed
  • Raza Sibtain
  • Ho Kevin
  • Harmse Werner
  • Diederichs Brendan
  • Chung Jonathan
  • Blais Simon
  • Toor Sundeep
  • Peters Zachary
  • Zener Rebecca
  • Meagher Ruari
  • Hirji Zameer
  • Alturkistani Husain
  • Zhang Edwin
  • Kaitoukov Youri
  • Desrosiers
  • Cool Derek
  • Tse Donald
  • Mongeon Michael
  • Chung John
By date
  • May 20 2022
  • May 19 2022
  • May 18 2022
  • May 17 2022
  • May 16 2022
  • May 15 2022
  • May 14 2022
  • May 13 2022
  • May 12 2022
  • May 11 2022
  • May 10 2022
  • May 9 2022
  • May 8 2022
  • May 7 2022
  • May 6 2022
  • May 5 2022
  • May 4 2022
  • May 3 2022
  • May 2 2022
  • May 1 2022
  • September 5 2020
  • August 20 2020
  • July 5 2020
  • June 20 2020
  • May 20 2020
  • April 5 2020
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  • March 5 2020
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  • March 1 2019
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  • February 1 2019
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  • November 1 2018
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  • September 16 2018
  • September 1 2018
  • August 16 2018
  • August 1 2018
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  • February 2 2016
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  • January 5 2016
  • December 15 2015
  • December 1 2015
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  • November 4 2014
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  • October 7 2014
  • September 16 2014
  • September 2 2014
  • August 19 2014
  • August 5 2014
By subject
  • Visceral Artery Interventions
  • Embolization
  • Genitourinary Interventions
  • Biliary Interventions
  • Aortoiliac Interventions
  • Venous Interventions
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • Interventional Oncology - TACE/Y90
  • Musculoskeletal Interventions
  • Neuroradiologic Interventions
  • Tracheal Interventions
  • Gastointestinal Interventions

Cases of the month

The CAIR presents, on a monthly basis, cases that interventional radiology fellows and residents presented at an event held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. These cases represent a remarkable learning opportunity for physicians of all levels of experience.


Upper GI bleed following Mallory weiss tear; managed by IR by Sibtain Raza (Dalhousie U)
For members only
June 30 2015 -
Melena complication post liver biopsy by Kevin Ho (McGill U)
For members only
June 16 2015 -
Porto-mesenteric vein recanalisation by Werner Harmse (U of Calgary)
For members only
June 2 2015 -
Thoracic endovascular aortic repair of enlarging descending thoracic aortic aneurysm with chronic type B aortic dissection complicated by avulsion of the proximal left external iliac artery and successfully repaired by combination endovascular and open approach by Brendan Diederichs (U of Calgary)
For members only
May 19 2015 -
Combined IR and Surgical Management of Biliary-Pleural Fistula with recurrent Pneumonia and Life Threatening Hemoptysis by Jonathan Chung (Western U)
For members only
May 5 2015 -
Embolization of a large porto-caval shunt in a patient post-gastrectomy with severe encephalopathy by Simon Blais (U of Montréal)
For members only
April 21 2015 -
Percutaneous removal of a displaced Angio-Seal by Ondina Bernstein (UHN)
For members only
April 7 2015 -
Tilted IVC Filter - Let's straighten things out by Sundeep Toor (UHN)
For members only
March 17 2015 -
Unconventional approach to the treatment of a Carotid Cavernous Fistula by Mollie Ferris (U Calgary)
For members only
March 3 2015 -
Systemic Heparin & Intra-arterial TPA Provoked Occult Massive Lower GI Bleed by Arash Jaberi (U Ottawa)
For members only
February 17 2015 -