GEST 2021


Innovative Embolization and IO Therapies from Around the Globe

Updates in Microwave Ablation


Hosted by Dr. Amol Mujoomdar, this virtual educational program will provide updates in microwave ablation and provide a glimpse of future directions. The program will also feature several case studies for discussion and explore new technologies.

Embolization: Canadian Fellows Challenge, Case Review


This virtual course will focus on two teams of Fellows discussing overall case presentations, including real-world applications in the management and approach to embolization, techniques, treatments and outcomes. Each team will present their cases to our expert panel of physician judges. Each case will be thoroughly reviewed and include a Q&A session for the audience.

Breakthroughs In Arterial Embolization:Case And Experienced Based Discussions

Join us for the Webinar: Breakthroughs in Arterial Embolization: Case and experienced based discussions. In this webinar, Breakthroughs in Arterial Embolization, Dr. Richard Owen and Dr. Darshan Bakshi will discuss their treatment strategy and patient outcomes using a new embolic agent, Ekobi® Microspheres. These will be a case-based presentations.

Abbott – AMPLATZER™️PLUGS: Fundamentals


In this part 1/3 webinarseries on embolization, Dr. Gilbertwill share his experience incorporating Amplatzer™️Vascular Plugs into his embolization practice. OBJECTIVES: •Selection of embolic agents based on the clinical scenario •Identifying common embolization indications & choose the right cases to successfully start an AVP practice •Strategize to select the right type AVP & complementary technologies

Abbott – AMPLATZER™PLUGS: Complex


In this part 2/3 webinar series on embolization, Dr. Gilbert will present on how to expand usage of AVP Amplatzer vascular plugs to more advanced cases.

Innovations in Intervention: Old Problems, New Tricks


This lecture will cover technical innovations in IR, novel use of various medications, and highlight new devices or approaches allowing expansion of interventional care. Styles and techniques impacting traditional IR practice will be reviewed.