The CAIR Initiative is a multi-stakeholder endeavor aimed at making patient friendly, minimally invasive, interventional radiology treatments widely accessible to Canadian patients.

Interventional radiology treatments, such as uterine fibroid embolization and cancer ablation, are valued for their numerous benefits.  They are less invasive for patients, a proven alternative to surgery and they require shorter hospital stays and recovery times.

Canada is far behind other developed countries, such as the USA, the UK, Germany, and France to name a few, with respect to the availability of minimally invasive interventional radiology treatments. The CAIR Initiative aims to bridge that gap through:

  • Raising awareness about the benefits of minimally invasive interventional radiology treatments with patient groups, healthcare professionals, decision makers, and the general public;
  • Lifting the hurdles that stand in the way of greater access for Canadian patients to minimally invasive interventional radiology treatments.

The CAIR Initiative, launched by the Canadian Association for Interventional Radiology in 2018, is supported by a growing number of associations and stakeholder groups that share an interest in the continuous improvement of health care in Canada.

Social Media

Hashtag: #ISupportIR 


  • Interventional Radiology treatments offer patients, less risks, less pain, and shorter recovery time. #ISupportIR
  • Interventional radiology treatments, such as uterine fibroid embolization and cancerous tumor embolization, are valued for their numerous benefits. They are less invasive for patients, a proven alternative to surgery and they require shorter hospital stays and recovery times. #ISupportIR
  • #ISupportIR because Interventional Radiology (IR) treatments offer patients less risks, less pain, shorter hospital stays, and shorter recovery time.
  • Canadians deserve access to the best treatments so #ISupportIR. For many Canadians Interventional Radiology (IR) offers them the lowest risk and shorter recovery times for a variety of procedures including treatment for uterine fibroids and cancerous tumors.


Stroke Treatment

Uterine Fibroid Embolization

Chemoembolization and Ablation of Tumors

Venous Access

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) Campaign

Visit our section dedicated to this treatment

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous (benign) growths that develop in the muscle wall of the uterus. Although not all fibroids cause symptoms, their size and location can cause pain in some women.


“When it comes to treating Uterine Fibroids, there is a significant upside to embolization versus the common alternative of a hysterectomy. Embolization is a simple and safe procedure, offers a speedy recovery, and avoids the removal of your uterus. It’s a procedure that fixes the problem now while leaving options open for the future. It just makes sense.” Dr. Véronique Caty

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