Membership rates for / Tarifs d'adhésion pour 2025


495 $

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Medical Student

0 $

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Corresponding members

100 $

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If you need assistance to make a payment, renew, or change your membership type, or if there are any questions regarding your membership status, feel free to contact us at Please allow 2-3 business days for a response.


We work with and for you to:

–  provide various learning opportunities that develop a thriving IR community –

 – access reputable knowledge and resources from leading experts and faculty – 

 – build greater patient and public awareness and access to IR treatments –

Top 3 Reasons to Be a Member!

Learning Opportunities and Special Rates

All the continuing medical education (CME) credits you need. In person and online.

(Annual Meeting, Grand Slams & Catastrophes, Virtual Angio Club, Case of the Month, CAIR Express, and other publications)


Connectivity with the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe (CIRSE)

CAIR & CIRSE combined membership*** allows you to access CIRSE’s online resources and rebates on their meetings.



Take part in the CAIR Initiative and advocate for greater access to minimally invasive interventional radiology treatments for Canadians!


What We Do for Our Members

Please note:

* CAIR offers a discount for the technologists who are also members of the CAMRT.

** CAIR membership is NOT refundable and registration information for physician members will be shared with CIRSE.

*** Physicians only / Fellows and Residents please inquire about your options.