Improving your signal to noise
OnlineAn impactful presentation can be the major force in launching successful ventures and helping to move projects, and even careers, forward. Join us for a webinar designed to help imaging […]
An impactful presentation can be the major force in launching successful ventures and helping to move projects, and even careers, forward. Join us for a webinar designed to help imaging […]
Brève présentation de CAIR et de la manière dont vous pouvez vous impliquer, en particulier si vous êtes intéressé par les relations internationales. Présentation des étudiants qui ont été sélectionnés […]
ECIO is the world’s most comprehensive platform for IO education and knowledge exchange. The ECIO 2023 programme features over 150 lectures with highlights covering immuno-oncology, artificial intelligence, paediatrics, lung tumour […]
Organized by Dr. Jason Wong and Dr. Amol Mujoomdar, the meeting include presentations from Interventional Radiologists from across Canada. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion (15 min/case). We're excited to bring you access to exceptional educational and scientific programming that you can participate in any time, from anywhere. This is your 2023 CAIR learning destination.
This informative conference provides a unique opportunity for attendees to participate in presentations from international experts in the field of Multidisciplinary Hepatocellular Carcinoma. The scope of this meeting will highlight […]
GEST was conceptualized in 2005 between interventional radiologists Drs. Jafar Golzarian, Marc Sapoval, and Ziv Haskal then formed in 2007. Since then, GEST is the premier embolotherapy resource to interventional […]
Pour les informations sur le Congrès scientifique annuel, visitez notre page #ASM23 . Pour les information sur la Journée des Résidents & Fellows, visitez notre page #RFD23 . Détails de […]
Pour les information sur la Journée MRT &RN, visitez notre page #MRTRND23. Pour les informations sur le Congrès Scientifique Annuel, visitez notre page #ASM23 page. Appel à soumissions Qui peut […]
Pour obtenir les renseignements sur la Journée des MRT & RN, visitez la page #MRTRND23. Pour obtenir les renseignements sur la Journée des Résidents & Fellows, visitez la page #RFD23 […]