CIRSE 2020 will take place online in order to enable participants from around the world to receive quality education, present the latest scientific data and participate in lively knowledge exchange in a safe and reliable way.
Join us as leading physicians discuss today’s current challenges along the referral pathway of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), which can lead to amputations associated with a decrease in quality of life and an increase in mortality in diabetic patients. Also covered in the session will be: Disparities in identifying and treating this patient population in […]
The treatment journey doesn’t begin or end with a procedure, patients deserve care beyond intervention, starting ahead of the procedure and after hospital discharge. Data and technology are critical to the patient journey and when used appropriately in a trustworthy manner, can provide the highest quality of care. Join industry experts from around the world to discuss the […]
Animé par le Dr. Jason Wong et le Dr. Amol Mujoomdar via Zoom, cette deuxième réunion aura lieu le 30 septembre 2020 à 20h00 HNE et comprendra des présentations de radiologues d’interventions à travers le Canada. Chaque présentation sera suivie d’une discussion (15 min/cas).