The treatment journey doesn’t begin or end with a procedure, patients deserve care beyond intervention, starting ahead of the procedure and after hospital discharge. Data and technology are critical to the patient journey and when used appropriately in a trustworthy manner, can provide the highest quality of care. Join industry experts from around the world to discuss the findings from Beyond Intervention, a new global research report commissioned by Abbott, that examines the current state of vascular care and how patients, physicians and health care administrators view the importance of incorporating data and technology into treatment pathways.
This webinar will focus on:
- How we can optimize the patient treatment pathway experience using data? What will it take to enable greater confidence in ensuring each patient is getting the right, most personalized treatment?
- How can we create a more efficient workflow while mitigating the occurrence of harmful and costly misdiagnosis?
- How can we prevent underdiagnosis while reducing variability?
- Defining “health data,” and an exploration of non-traditional data sources.
- Reexamining optimal outcomes by taking another look at secondary endpoints and Quality of Life measures.